Google just announced the next round of Google Africa Certification Program 2019 with Andela and Pluralsight. It offers 30,000 Scholarship for Africans in Google’s Android, Web, and Cloud Technologies.
History of Google Africa Certification Program
In March 2018, Google committed to train 100K Africans to develop world-class apps in the next 5 years. Therefore, they started the first round with 15,000 Scholarship with Andela and Udacity in 2018!
Available Tracks
There are 3 available tracks:
- Mobile Web
- Android
- Google Cloud
After completing your track, you will be eligible to receive a Google Certification Grant to take Google’s Mobile Web Specialist, Associate Android Developer, and Associate Cloud Engineer certification exams!
- Learning: Master Google Developer Skills with Pluralsight
- Google Certification Exams: Qualify to receive a Google Certification grant, and take the related Google Certification Exam for FREE! (Normally, $149)
- You’re not alone: Receive support from the Andela Learning Community and Pluralsight Help Center, to help you complete your track and prepare for your chosen Google Certification exam
- Job Offer: Opportunity to join Andela as a Software Engineer
The program is designed for anyone who is:
- At least 18 years
- A resident of a country in Africa
Timeline & Program Phases
- Selection Phase: 15 April – 31 May
- Learning Phase 1: 16 June – 6 August
- Learning Phase 2: To be announced
- Capstone Project: To be announced
- Graduation: To be announced
Let’s dive into each phase:
Selection Phase
What you’ll get access to:
- Access to +30 Pluralsight Courses in your track
- Access to Skill Assessments & Role IQ (Pluralsight Paid Features)
How to get into the next phase?
- You must register from this link
- Complete the Onboarding Survey
- Take Skill Assessments before watching any courses
- Watch one or more hours of Pluralsight Content
Learning Phase 1
What you’ll get access to:
- Access to more Pluralsight Courses in your track
- Access to the Andela Learning Community – And mentoring through your learning journey
How to get into the next phase?
- Earn a proficient or advanced Skill IQ in your track
- Watch at least four hours of Pluralsight Courses
30,000 Applicants will be selected
Learning Phase 2
What you’ll get access to:
- Access to even more Pluralsight Courses in your track
- Continued access to the Andela Learning Community
How to get into the next phase?
- Earn a proficient or advanced Skill IQ in your track
- Watch at least ten hours of Pluralsight Courses
10,000 Applicants will be selected
Capstone Project
What you’ll get access to:
- Access to a hands-on Pluralsight Project in your track
- Continued access to the Andela Learning Community
How to get into the next phase?
- Successfully complete the project
+4,000 Applicants
What you’ll get access to:
- An opportunity to take a Google Certification Exam for free
1000 Google Certifications
NOTE: In all phases, there are additional selection criteria, such as; First come, First serve, Most content viewed, Highest Skill IQ
BONUS: Increase your chance of getting accepted
A Scholarship like Google Africa Certification Program is VERY competitive, and hard to complete till the end. Therefore, Here are some tips to help you out:
Start early – NOW!
The deadline is 15 May 2019, oh let’s register & watch the courses later… DON’T do that, you need to start earlier to know how it works, form a base knowledge, understand the curriculum and the program as a whole, and getting more familiar with Pluralsight Platform.
The more, The better
Dedicate more time for this program. The more content you watch, the higher chance you get to proceed into the next phase, and the highest value you get.
Remember, your goal is to “learn” not “complete” X amount of courses. So, keep reminding yourself to focus on Quality over Quantity!
I don’t deserve it (Or, I deserve it all)
There are so many applicants believe they don’t deserve it or can’t do it. Maybe, they are shifting career or don’t have any prior experience. On the contrary, there are applicants who have prior experience, who think they will nail it and definitely get accepted.
In conclusion, don’t underestimate or overestimate yourself. Watch the preparation courses, and do what you have to.
Talk is cheap. Show me the code.
– Linus Torvalds
Good Luck to all applicants! ♥